Profile & expertise
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas:
• defence and security,
• low carbon energies (nuclear and renewable energies),
• technological research for industry,
• fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.
Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.
The CEA is established in nine centers spread throughout France. It works in partnership with many other research bodies, local authorities and universities. Within this context, the CEA is a stakeholder in a series of national alliances set up to coordinate French research in energy (ANCRE), life sciences and health (AVIESAN), digital science and technology (ALLISTENE), environmental sciences (AllEnvi) and human and social sciences (ATHENA).
The CEA is the only French research organization to be listed in the Clarivate 2020 ranking and is the leading French research organization filing patents in Europe, according to the European Patent Office (EPO) 2021 ranking.
Role in the Project
CEA acts as a coordinator of the KINAITICS project. Two divisions are involved in the project: the Technological Research division is developing methods and software for cyberdefense against AI-based attacks and emerging attacks cyber-physical systems. The Energies division is providing a use case devoted to cybersecurity of software tools against new AI-based cyber attacks.

First name: Cédric
Last name: Gouy-Pailler
Organisation website:
Key people on the project
Cédric Gouy-Pailler
Cédric Gouy-Pailler holds an engineering degree in electronics and signal processing from PHELMA (ex-ENSERG), Grenoble-INP, he received a doctorate in signal processing in 2009 at GIPSA-lab (Grenoble INP). Senior Expert at CEA since 2021, he is now leading the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning laboratory at CEA LIST. He is working on innovative machine learning algorithms, with the objective of developing robust AI in adversarial contexts, and compatible with high privacy standards, through the use of homomorphic encryption and differential privacy. Cédric Gouy-Pailler has been involved in various National and European projects, involving both academic and industrials partners. He has been technical CEA leader (eCo-fev, EU project, 2012-2015), Work Package leader (STARLIGHT, EU project, 2021-2025, involving 52 partners), and project coordinator (StreamOPS, national 3 partners, 2018-2021 ; KINAITICS, EU project, 7 partners, 2022-2025).
Stéphane Gazut
Stéphane Gazut holds an engineering degree in computer science and embedded systems from ECE Paris and received his PhD in data science from the University Paris XI in 2007. He has been working at CEA LIST on the development of innovative algorithms in machine learning and data mining he initially applied on the healthcare domain and particularly in genomic and metagenomic data analysis. In recent years, he has been dedicated to federated learning approaches with the aim of ensuring the highest level of privacy and security against malicious attacks. Stéphane GAZUT has been involved in several National and European projects involving academic and industrial partners such as BioMargin (EU Project, 2012-2017, Work Package leader), KidneyAttack (EU Project, 2019-2022), KATY (EU Project, 2021-2024, task leader), Starlight (EU Project, 2021-2025) and KINAITICS (EU Project, 2022-2025, task leader). Expert at CEA since 2020, he is also a lecturer at the National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (University Paris-Saclay).